Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Eclipse

Last night at BS, Sime made an appearance before flying off to Egypt (JEALOUS!). Apart from confusing everyone with his new catchphrase taken from National Bingo Night, he had an intriguing talent of blocking every light he stands under with his ginormous head.

Hence the following.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Beach Princesses

Yesterday, most of the youth went on a beach trip to Coloundra, but before that, we had to wait around church until Adult Sunday School was finished. I took this as an opportunity to annoy Max by spinning the mic stand around screaming,


She was unamused.

We then all met up at Kent's house with Frank, Max and me jumping into Song's car ready to make guitar noises to the sounds of Planetshakers. We admired Hong Li's sunnies:
When we finally got there, Team Go went ahead and started digging a hole to China. This photo was taken only in the first 5 minutes. By the end, Kent had his own lounge seat, steps and swimming pool within the hole.

Meanwhile, some brave souls hit the waves while Girl Power aka Beach Princesses laid down the towels and slowly worked their way through all the food.

We particularly liked Jonathon's dumplings:

And I think Chuckie was having a grand old time lounging in his makeshift sand chair until this rascal came along:

Soon it escalated into this:

Then we went on a walk along the beach and I spotted these three models voguing:

And these two beach goers:

Yes that's Mikey and Sandie running away from the evil camera.

We then decided to build a sand castle.
And then a turtle.
And then a crab.
And it turned out like this:

And here's even more photos from the day. Ciao!

Friday, November 23, 2007

Two teeth less, two days later

So it's been two loooong boooring days since I've had my wisdom teeth removed. My diet has consisted of chicken soup, congee, yoghurt, porridge and fruit juice. I couldn't resist having solid food again, so tonight's dinner was instant noodles. I was left with a sore jaw, but it was well worth it! Mmm...non-liquidy substances...

While I've been recuperating, I was suddenly struck with many pearls of wisdom:

  1. Don't try to be net-savvy. I found this out when I tried tweeking my new blog template through editing the Html and was only left with destruction and despair.

  2. The Biggest Loser was inspirational first time around, but then it's like, "Wait, what am I doing still watching this? I'm not obese. But I'm probably becoming obese just sitting on this couch...Mum, can you get me a bowl of ice-cream?"

  3. Aim for the rug when kneeling. My knees learnt this the hard way when Mum decided to do an hour long epic prayer.

  4. Don't overfeed the dog. Cleaning up dog vomit is not the most exciting recreational activity around.

  5. Zef and Steffy's tea strainers really do work!

With my new blog layout, I'm loving it! It's so...aboriginal. Still under construction by the way.

Meanwhile, Happy Raise Awareness about Cyrus Month!

And now you know what it's like to be me.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Musically Challenged

So, I just got back from bible study (which was excellently led by B) and Bui kindly gave me Ally's old guitar. I've already started strumming!

Wrinkles is probably thinking, "Great. First I had to put up with her shower singing and now this? What did I do to deserve this Lord? Well, I know I ate the very last avocado from the tree, but I couldn't help myself! It was just hanging there like some glorious edible emerald sent from doggy heaven! Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, licking my bum."

Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, the guitar. Well, I don't know about you, but I think this calls for a GUITAR MONTAGE! Neat-o!

Now that that's out of the way...it's the holidays! I'm so excited, so many things to do and see! Bec coming back, rellies coming, Christmas, back to uni...wait, what?

Oh yeah, you heard right. I have to do summer courses while Girl Power + ATan get to go to Sydney. But it's all good! I'll make my own fun, like laughing at the cows in Logan. And then hopefully they won't kill me with methane.

And I'm also going to try a little thing known as, "blog more". That's one of my New Year's resolutions...except starting earlier. I think it's just nice to jot down memories of one of the most exciting times of the year, THE BIRTH OF CHRIST! Or better known as McHappy Jesus Day!

Mmm...beef patties.

I guess that's all for now. Goodnight San Diego!

Friday, November 09, 2007

It's been scientifically proven! Not.

What's wrong?

Aargh. I'm having really bad period pain.

Ah yes. I get that as well.

Yeah. Runs in the family. Thanks Mum.

Take it as a good thing! It means you'll have healthy babies.

No it doesn't!

I had healthy babies.
Well, I mean Becky was a bit on the fat side so it took a few hours of
painful pushing, but all things considered...
