For those who don’t know, I’ve moved down to the Gold Coast to do a Med degree. I’m living by myself in a nice apartment that Mum was so nice to buy for me.
One thing that Mum said to me before I left was “you’re going to make a few mistakes along the way, but that’s okay”.
Er, correct.
A mistake I made was not bringing floor cleaner so I improvised and used washing detergent instead.
Oh yeahhh…squeaky clean floors that smell like lemon.
I’ve forgotten other things like a desk lamp, drawer lining paper, bin and one thing I never gave a second thought to…a comb.
V for Victory! Victory at building things!
This was the day before when Frank and Mikey came to help set up my room. I was glad I had them, especially when the instructions looked like this –
This blob goes into this blob…
It’s been quite lonely these past few days. I’ve kept the TV on just for some noise. I also have no net yet but I’ve been watching my new NCIS dvd and awesome tennis games like FEDERER VS. RODDICK. Great stuff.
One thing I’ve learnt is that keeping one human alive is EXPENSIVE. I’ve never been a huge consumer but BOY do I eat and use a lot of stuff.
These 5 measly bags of stuff cost more than $100.
But another thing I’ve learnt is there’s nothing more satisfying than sinking in a bed that’s in a home I’ve set up and cleaned all day by myself. Ahh, independence, nothing like it.