Tuesday, November 17, 2009

2009: The Year of the New Shoe

The other day I realised I've accumulated quite a number of new shoes over the past two months. Some are from Singapore and Malaysia and some are from my favourite shoe shop - Tony Bianco. Shoes from there are just incredibly comfortable, which is always my first priority.

The purple ones in the middle I couldn't actually try on beforehand. Never again. THEY HURT SO MUCH. Whoever made those shoes HATE FEET and want to see them die (quote Monica).

YET I LOVE THEM ALL. Is it possible to marry inanimate objects?

Sunday, November 15, 2009

This is how you do it.

Kev shows us the perks of arriving before everyone else does. Vonnie gives her thumb of approval. Queensland Government would obviously never hire either of them to be a driving examiner.

I've decided to become more diligent in my blooging (blooging? sorry, I mean blogging). The year has gone by super fast and it's pretty much a blur of stressfunstressfunstressfun...AND I CAN'T REMEMBER ANYTHING. Oh yeah, I remember something!...oh wait, it's gone.

Yeah, still not there.

This is like trying to remember my prayer point on Monday. I should really write these things down.

Anyway, what was I writing down? Oh yeah, becoming more diligent in blogging. Yes, this is so I actually have a record of me doing interesting things and not just sitting in a chair all year which is seriously what I'm thinking I've done all year. I may have got up to go to uni once or twice. I'm really not sure. Which is why I should blog. Which segways into my rhetorical question of the day: What do you think of my new ugly blog template.
I was looking at templates, the world exploded and I ended up with this on my screen.

Anyway, Sunday School Sunday is tomorrow (or should I say today?) so I should sleep.
Oh, FUNNY STORY. Frank and I were putting up the sign and Nathan was there to hand us letters. The following conversation ensued:

Why are there two Sundays?

Don't answer him Frank. Let's see how long it takes him to get it.

No really guys, why are there two Sundays?

Think about it...

No really guys, why are there two Sundays?

Okay, tomorrow is celebrating Sunday School right?

Yeah. But really, why are there two Sundays?

And tomorrow's what day?

Sunday...Sunday School...two Sundays...OHHHHH.
Walks off.

That was funny.