So my week of holidays is done already. It was shorter than Wrinkle's tail. Boo.
Oh well, it was fun while it lasted, went to Melbourne for a few days. I've shopped and drunk enough tea and hot chocolate to last a lifetime.
Mum and I were not so secretly afraid of catching swine flu. When a guy sat behind us on the tram and started coughing (and not just a dry cough, it was full of phlegm and other mucus-y sounds), Mum held her scarf up to her nose while I tried to hold my breath for 40 minutes. But in the end victory was ours! We didn't get sick and can now gleefully roll around in our purchases.
But during the fun of holidays, Mum felt the need of reminding me what a grumpy bum I was during exam time. And I don't blame her. I am a grumpy bum. Like, I am the grumpiest bumiest grumpy bum there is.
I don't go out. I sit in my chair staring at the computer screen for 6 hours straight until I have to pee. I'm angry and sulky and stressed. Basically for 2 weeks, I hate life.
Some people just do not get stressed like this. They can breeze through exam time. Maybe because they actually study during semester *shifty eyes*. So for those who just don't get how severe my grumpy buminess can get, here are some visual aids:
(I'm in blue. Since I'm an arteest and attend to the details, I've drawn myself with unkempt hair and wearing the smelly pajamas I wore for a week straight.)