So I was surfing the net (as you do when you're supposed to be studying) and found this site called Overheard in New York. It's a site where anyone can post up anything that they've overheard. Some of the stuff that these people hear is disturbingly funny...
Here's some of my favourite quotes:
Kid #1: Paper beats rock. BAM! Your rock is blowed up!
Kid #2: "Bam" doesn't blow up, "bam" makes it spicy. Now I got a SPICY ROCK! You can't defeat that!
--6 train
Girl: So for the last half-hour of The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants I couldn't stop crying. Then everybody in the theater turned around and laughed at me.
--Waverly & Mercer
Girl: I heard there's an Asian girl in the new Harry Potter.
Guy: Yeah.
Girl: So they are branching out.
Guy: Yeah...but she is kinda big.
--Beard Papa's, Broadway & Astor
Chick #1: Omigod, like, if I like your earrings, why should I tell someone else I like your earrings? I should just tell you.
Chick #2: Omigod, I'm just like that too. But really it's because I love getting compliments.
Chick #1: Omigod! Me, too! It's the only reason why I say nice things to other people.
--33rd & 6th
Crazy: So I had to get fillings in all of my teeth.
Passenger: Uh huh.
Crazy: But I figured, why let them do that to me after they drilled holes in my brain, ya know?
Passenger: Sure.
Crazy: But I figured, might as well! Although if they were going to fill my teeth, I'd want them to use jelly.
Passenger: Yep.
Crazy: But the guy at the counter said they were out of jelly. So I got a blueberry muffin.
--R train
Chick: Omigod, I totally want an Asian baby. Asians make the best mixers. Like vodka.
--49th & 10th
Bald white monk in orange robes: [Mumbling to himself.]
Bimbette, to friend: I guess he's, like, praying for a safe journey.
Bald white monk in orange robes: No, I'm on the phone [shows BlackBerry].
Girl #1: As Shakespeare once said: "Thou shall not kill."
Girl #2: No, that would be God.
--11th & University
Customer: I'll have a twelve-inch wheat --
Deli guy: Foot-long, or half?
Customer: Um... twelve inches. Isn't that a foot?
Deli guy: Foot-long, or half?
Customer: I think you're missing something here.
--Subway, Elmsford
Stuffy white lady pushing stroller, to friend: I can't believe people are actually taking Justin Timberlake seriously these days.
Hipster crossing East: He brought sexy back! What the hell did you do?
--Central Park West
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Sunday, January 06, 2008
What happened on the 25th of December
So I see I haven't blogged in a yonk, but that's because of assessment, relatives and the like, so here's a quick update!
Rebekah-kah and I went to the Thies for a Christmas party. The following picture of Jacky Jacky Jacky pretty much sums up how it was:
Rebekah-kah and I went to the Thies for a Christmas party. The following picture of Jacky Jacky Jacky pretty much sums up how it was:
Nah, just kidding! It was heaps of fun...except for the last half an hour where Bec made us all play Memory with a pack of cards.
"Play Memory or die."
You can find the rest of the Thie party photos on my facebook in a couple of days :)
Us Tay's also held a lunch get together on Christmas day. The following two pictures were the only ones NOT of Bec. You'll see.
My contribution, the punch! punchy.
The feast, with everyone digging in, including our furry lump of a pet and a gazillion flies.
And to end this blog on a high note, here's a segment I call, the Bec Montage of Nothingness (where she looks like she's helping out...when really, she's not).
Bec putting on cling wrap!
Bec washing the dishes!

Bec preparing the prawns!
Bec watering the plant!
Bec juggling peaches!
Bec getting something out of the empty oven!
Bec in action!
Bec making Mum clean!
Bec entertaining the guests!
I would have taken more photos of the actual lunch...but I was hungry.
Xia jian!
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