Thursday, April 03, 2008

The To-Do List

LAMENT! I wish I had more time to update, but with so many things to do and so little time...sadly no.

Much studying to do as well, which means much sitting around staring at the wall.

But I found this hilarious clip on YouTube done by a very funny duo-Barats and Bereta. Their clip Mother's Day is still one of the most watched videos, except for that crazy-dancing-orange-Crush-T-shirtwearing dude who's got like A BILLION views.

Anyway, to emulate Frank, here's the To-Do List.


GOOD GOLLY there's a lot to accomplish today!

The actor in this one is Lee Barats, Luke's little brother. And yes, his face is stuck like that.*
As with all of our videos, parents may want to use discretion.
Music: "The Birds and the Bees" by Patrick & Eugene

*No, his face is not really stuck like that.


Anonymous said...

Ah! im so absorbed by the jolly good music then BANG! he's dead :(

fanny dong said...

what do u meeeeeeeeeean like me :P

Ness said...

Silly Frankfurt! I mean that you post up lots of videos from YouTube onto your I'm doing the same!

Homes said...

wow, these guys have issues

Anonymous said...

you have much studying to do and you're surfing youtube.