So where have I been? Well obviously not on my blog. But I plan to reminisce on the past two months over a few blogs, because really, it is worth reminiscing! I spent exam period drawing angry faces on my calendar, one week memorising every dance move in the fundraising concert, three weeks fending for myself and the furry lump when Mother was away, negative one week not being at camp :( , two weeks in a hellhole and every Sunday telling Mike to get off the filing cabinet.
But for now, here is a short story that Max and I made up one Saturday for stress relief on Timmey's laptop...WITH A BUILT IN WEB CAM!
And if you're wondering, no, it doesn't even make sense to me.
Girl Power's Adventure to the Sea
Once upon a time there were four girls. But Vivian was getting her hair done by Nathaniel...

So once upon a time there were three girls, who went on a trip to the sea.

They decided to scuba dive into the sea and they found treasure.
Christmas treasure.
Christmas CHRISTIAN treasure!
Once they found it they were really excited...but then Mikey's pirate ship came across their boat and killed them!
The End
Man we need to get the Penguin Group onto this. HELLO BESTSELLER!
you killed yourself off in the end!
no, i believe ---I--- killed them off. tyvm. thank you very much.
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