Friday, September 12, 2008

And that's why I do science Part II

Long time no blog, but I've finally found some time to put up some AWESOME photos from family camp. And by AWESOME I mean if this was the Land of Bad Photography.

But anyway, see if you can guess what I was trying to capture -



Woo hoo! I present the Glass Mountains...

DISCLAIMER: Ness does not take any responsibility for any crashes that may have occurred when a certain non-Asian had to stop his car in the middle of the road for Ness to be able to take this picture. Thank you Mr. Guai Lao.

And here are some other ones from a sight seeing stop on some mountain that I can't remember the name of. This is why I also don't do geography.

This looks so real. Maybe because it is...

My failed attempt at a CHU -

If you're wondering, I didn't actually get any pictures of the actual camp. But you know. I'll leave that up to the professionals.


Max said...

VERY NICE!!! U-HUH!!! *turns head abruptly*

Anonymous said...
