Er, this is just a bit late, but better now then never huh?!
So I was looking though all this junk on my bookshelf and came across an adaptor for the memory card in my mobile. The card is about the size of my pinky nail and fits into what looks like an SD card. I was wondering how I get stuff on my laptop! But now I know, so here's a few funny pics I've taken over the past year. Memories...

Hmm, this isn't church. Must be Tea Etc. Bighead and Mr. Guai Loh pulling their best "come hither" faces.
I don't know why I find this photo funny, maybe cause it looks like Frank's dislocated her shoulder.

These are the Chinese 'fireworks' Team Viv made for Chinese New Year. The term 'fireworks' is debatable, some think they look more like red cigars or cheerios. I personally wouldn't mind if they really were cheerios. Apart from the 'Jump Jump Jump' dance, it was the best thing there that night!

Hahaha! This is Frank trying to look excited at being in the children's section of the library with me. Yeah, that was a random day.

You can't really see it properly, but if the photo was bigger, you'll be able to see Sven's 'Holy Socks". This is at bible study, the era in which Pen was still an unmarried man and B wasn't wearing his SOHO grey hoodie.

Wow. Frank would have looked really pretty except for THAT. But at least we've learnt something from this - Frank has teeth.
Me unaware that I'm about to get my head eaten off.

Remember boys, she's available and ready to get married!

Emily's in quite an unfortunate position. But maybe not, as it looks like she's really enjoying being licked!

Camera phones are the best invention ever!

This is one of the few hundred photos I took of ducks during our scenic walk at Family Camp. We tried feeding them grass, sticks, fingers and car keys. They were. Unamused.

Everyone wants to look like Zef these days! Col and Frank wearing Zef's signature sunnies bought by Jon.

And this is what happens at Plaza. Jon making a hand puppet out of his glasses case. Can his hand even breathe in there?!
Expect much more photos in this blog now that I know how to work my camera phone!