I was talking to Bec on the phone the other night and I was excitedly planning to spend one hour or more telling her all about Mooncake '07.
I was like, "Wanna hear about Mooncake this year? It was really awesome, first the..."
This was her response:
"I know. Without you even telling me, I know. I know what happens! I can even predict the order of which the performances are performed in. Now. Let me tell you how Mooncake 'o7 went...
First Uncle Leo and Aunty Carrie came up on stage as MCs, and on the wall behind is a really extravagant backdrop done by the YAG.

Then they sang a song. Or two. Uncle Leo made a joke here and there, Aunty Carrie frowns at her husband here and there.

Then the Women's Fellowship comes up on stage in co-ordinating outfits and does a dance.

Then the Sunday School sings a song, and then Solo Gratia play a song. Then..."

And this is when I jump in, "But wait! It was better then that! Frank and Col did this awesome ninja fight..."

"Hey. Who's recapping Mooncake? You or me? Now where was I? Oh yeah. Then YAG gets up and does a song and/or dance where the men do something humorous with props.

Right about now, Uncle Leo gets up and chucks chocolates at people who can answer questions. Then JMYF does some wierd, but imaginative performance.

Then MYF does a play or song."
"We did both this year!"

"And then did three Uncles get up and play their harmonicas? No? What happened? Uncle Kiong blew up some balloons and made them into poodles? Oh, well that's different.
Okay sis, gottagonowbye!"
So there you have it. A recap told by someone who wasn't even there.
Off to have my three minute shower. Laters!
hahaha that's awesome...
u look so dramatic in the play photo. id like to find out just how many photos we have of us two... millions billions trillions!
gw bec.
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FINALLY i can be bothered to sign up for this thing. why do u have to make everything so difficult ness?
bec forgot one thing though: the pre-mooncake dinner where the we elegantly chose to sit on the hard ground rather than chairs 2m away
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