Monday, November 19, 2007

Musically Challenged

So, I just got back from bible study (which was excellently led by B) and Bui kindly gave me Ally's old guitar. I've already started strumming!

Wrinkles is probably thinking, "Great. First I had to put up with her shower singing and now this? What did I do to deserve this Lord? Well, I know I ate the very last avocado from the tree, but I couldn't help myself! It was just hanging there like some glorious edible emerald sent from doggy heaven! Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, licking my bum."

Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, the guitar. Well, I don't know about you, but I think this calls for a GUITAR MONTAGE! Neat-o!

Now that that's out of the's the holidays! I'm so excited, so many things to do and see! Bec coming back, rellies coming, Christmas, back to uni...wait, what?

Oh yeah, you heard right. I have to do summer courses while Girl Power + ATan get to go to Sydney. But it's all good! I'll make my own fun, like laughing at the cows in Logan. And then hopefully they won't kill me with methane.

And I'm also going to try a little thing known as, "blog more". That's one of my New Year's resolutions...except starting earlier. I think it's just nice to jot down memories of one of the most exciting times of the year, THE BIRTH OF CHRIST! Or better known as McHappy Jesus Day!

Mmm...beef patties.

I guess that's all for now. Goodnight San Diego!


fanny dong said...

awesome cuz im learning bass so we can play together in PAW :D

ally said...

Ooh! My old guitar? *beams proudly* I'm so glad that cheap little thing is being passed down. I'm sure it's in good hands, yes? :)

Does it still have the sticker? Hee.

Hmm, come to think of it, I remember giving it a name. But I can't remember what it was! :(

ally said...

Ooh! Zef remembered what it was called. It's BART. Hee.

Ness said...

Yeah, it defintely looks like a Bart.

It's been great fun! It's been keeping me occupied this past week!