So these photos were taken quite a while back at youth, but as I was looking through them, I noticed that there was always one person that stood out in each photo, see whether you see what I see...
a) "I LOVE CAMERAS! LURVVVVE THEM! THEY MAKE ME SO HAPPEEEEEE!!!! Have I mentioned I love cameras?"

"And here I am again! YESSSSSSS!!!"
b) "I hate cameras. So. much. angry. at. cameras. I hate life."


c) "I'm pleasantly shocked at how lame this photo is. Hmm...why am I so dark compared to the others? People should call me Bui. Hey everyone, call me Bui."

Answer:'s an obvious one.

In other news, I'm going to upload the CNY dances soon, just have to find a converter which can get the video down to 100MB.
And to quote John Travolta from Staying Alive, "You know what I wanna do? Strut."