Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Post-exam depression syndrome

So the two years are finally over.

Don't really know how to feel about it...I mean it's not like I've been stressed for 730 days (yes I needed a calculator for that) but right now I have that worried feeling in the pit of stomach. You know the feeling. The one that won't go away until exam marks are presented solidly on the computer screen.

When people ask how I went with exams, this is how it usually goes -

So how did you go?
I think I failed.
No really.
(laughs). I'm sure you did fine. (walks away)

WHY DOES NO ONE BELIEVE ME?? I know I'm melodramatic 2/3 of the time but all I can do right now is pray to God that I did not fail. I don't have to sit supps. I don't miss out on my grad. And that I can move onto med next year.

I know people's advice is to not worry, you can't do anything about it and put your burdens (no matter how small they are) onto Jesus. I also know this is all true, but sometimes it's easier said than done!

But anyway just had to get that off my chest!

I know I'm going to have a smashing holidays. I've been seriously sleep deprived over the past month and it's seriously affected my fun level around people but it's getting better now.

I also have to lay off the tea for a few days :) It's been good too me during exam time but sometimes saying goodbye to a friend is the best thing you can do for them.

Or something like that.

Last weekend I also did a first aid course which wasn't too bad. The instructor was one of those ones who put more emphasis on 'FUN' than learning. Which is good for a course about common sense where it can get boring if not taught by the right person.

So really, it feels like my holidays have just begun. Lots to look forward to - catching up with friends, AYC, Bec's grad and hopefully mine :)

Sigh. I've seriously never been so worried about marks before! I'm usually pretty confident I do well, just not this particular exam...

And on that melodramatic note, I'm going off to watch the end of Survivor.
Have I mentioned I love Survivor?
Well I do.
I love it so much I want two shirts.

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