My subjects look half interesting:
- Biological Chemistry
- Human Physiology
- Molecular Genetics
- Structural Biochemistry
- Intro to Individual & Social Psychology
I reckon I would look forward to going back if I did subjects like:
- How to poison a tissue
- What's the appeal of Supre?
- Paperclips and other interesting stationary
- What a subway sandwich looks like as a milkshake
- Jellyfish wrestling
Well, to mark the end of the holidays, here's a recap of the holidays. How many times can I say holidays?
Mum, Bec and I do a big shopping expedition to the far away islands of Carindale, Pacific Fair and Garden City. I buy two pairs of shoes!
One blue! The colour of a summer sky.
One gold! The colour of gold.
Went to dinner with friends. Tina drove us to this 'scenic' spot where you can see the nightlife of Logan. Obviously we sat in the dark for about an hour. Then drove past Macca's to pick up chicks. And by chicks, I mean frozen cokes.
Camp prep. Consisted of glueing things, buying things, typing things, printing things...all done to the yells and screeches of Mary J. Blige and Bono put on repeat.
Back to uni. Waaaaay to soon. The 'intensive' lab was not so intensive, if prep beforehand was done. Otherwise you're left standing there scratching your head wondering what to do with the tubes of DNA and lysozyme. Had a test, which I thankfully passed.
And went to the city a bit to play pool, which sometimes I'm good at, and other times I'm crap. Which pretty much means I'm crap.
Got gastro. Yea! Rolled around in bed for a day lamenting to Bec that I was dying and made her feed me biscuits and diluted cordial. Had to walk to the doctor's to get a medical certificate for missing a lab. The doctor told me I had dry skin. I was thinking, "is he now going to try and sell me moisturiser? Cause I already use sorbelene. But I haven't used it lately cause I have GASTRO. SO GIVE ME A BREAK AND GIMME SOME PILLS."
Missed camp. :( That was a HUGE bummer. But had fun laughing at the camp video and hearing Bui's cryptic clues for the amazing race. You can sit on it like a chair, but I wouldn't do it bare. Apparently the answer was a log and everyone was confused on why you wouldn't sit on it bare and Bui was like, 'because you would get splinters on your bum'. BAHAHA.
Bec and I went to see Blades of Glory. She got exasperated with me because I decided I wanted to carry spaghetti into the movies.
Bec: Who carries spaghetti into the movies?
Me: Who doesn't?
Bec: Everyone!
Me: Yeah. On second thoughts, spaghetti wasn't such a good idea, was it.
Oh well, I happily slurped through my dinner and no one was worse off.
Watched a bit of Top Model here and there. What annoys me is when they pick the finalists, and then eliminate them not because they're not good, but because they weren't tall enough in the first place anyway. What the?! Why pick them at all then? Poor (thin) girls.
And then watched a bit of Pirate Master here and there. It's exactly like Survivor...but on a ship. On a ship! ON A SHIP!! (dies of excitement) Yeah, I'm a sucker for these cheesy reality shows. Everyone always asks, "but, what's it's appeal?" Um, hello? It's on a ship. ON A SHIP!!
Went to Thil's 18th at JoJos.
To the left are the ex-Griffithers Kate (now at UQ) and Thil herself who's now in Tassie and grown an extra head.
Went to Joy's 18th at Garuva's. That was really fun. Got to catch up with people that I haven't seen since school. It was so dark that I missed my mouth a couple of times trying to eat my pumpkin fritters (which I kept calling fritatatas for some reason). I think the dim/non-existent lights were supposed to be atmospheric but who knows? Maybe the waiters had really ugly faces and didn't want people to see them.
Went to see Transformers. Was sooooo good. But I dunno. I reckon they could have come up with better names then "Bumblebee" and "bone crusher". I could bore you with names I think the writers could have used, but I'll spare you.
Okay, I'll give you one. "THE FUN MACHINE".
Mimi called me a grub cause I spilled Subway sauce all down my top. Luckily I had a scarf to cover up my mess.
Then went to see Harry Potter with some youthers. Twas okay. Had to go to the toilet during the middle which I've never had to do before. I ran out of the cinema, down the stairs and passed a cinema guy who looked at me strangely. I shouted at him "I'm bustinggggg". That was me trailing off as I ran into the toilets. As I ran out, he shouted at me "You didn't have to tell me that".
And just got back from the city with some school friends. We went from coffee shop to coffee shop for some strange reason. We first had lunch at the coffee club. Then went and had coffee and another coffee club. Then went and had frappes at Starbucks. And I didn't have to go to the toilet once! (Chest swells up with pride)
Off to watch Top Model. Toodle loo!
Who does bring spagetti into the movies?
Blades of Glory played again on plane back to melb so I got to see it again. Capture the dream!
What if jellyfish could wrestle?
We would need gills.
What if you were a hobo?
I would be rich and buy slave children and take over the world.
What's the appeal of Supre? Lol! You crack me up Messypoo~
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