Sunday, July 15, 2007

Hello Blogspot, This is Me!

If you didn't know, which most people won't, the inspiration for the title came from the Saddle Club.

Damn. You know your blog just plummeted straight into the Crap Bin as soon as the Saddle Club was mentioned. to a bad start. Not to worry! A top five list of the best inventions ever invented (or yet to be invented) should save this blog!

This here list is a commemoration to my nearly two years on msn spaces. May I never experience its slow loading speed and inability to upload photos again.

5. The Dream Cotton Bud

Consists of a stick with cotton ends which change colours to entertain the inside of your ears while you clean them. A disadvantage is that your ears may get so excited that they explode.

STATUS: yet to be invented

4. Word Snatcher

Snatchers words right back into your mouth!

STATUS: yet to be invented
USEFULNESS: 7/10 (loses a few points because APPARENTLY it's not possible to invent. Pfft. Whatever.)

3. Persuader Machine & Black Thingy

These machines can be used to brainwash people so you get your way every time. Totally harmless.

STATUS: yet to be invented/may never be invented
USEFULNESS: 9.99999999/10

2. Boards which stuff can be written on and then erased

Pretty self explanatory

STATUS: sigh. Unfortuntely, something called the whiteboard has already been invented.

1. The Clever Club

An exclusive club, only for clever people. Membership cannot be bought. But it can be bribed with lollies. Each member gets a badge and a special 'clever' pat on the back.

STATUS: up and running. if there was something faster than running, it would be doing that.
USEFULNESS: greater than infinity/10

So there you have it. If you have invention ideas, don't be afraid to share it with the world! Zef thinks socks with laces would be a marketable hit. Yeah, right.

Too bad I've already copyrighted them and "La-socks" are already in production! Mwah ha ha

Okay, off to last camp committee meeting.

I've only got one thing left to say: CAPTURE THE DREAM!


Anonymous said...

LOL you moved
yess i am the first ever person to comment on your blog
gw ness

Unknown said...

ahh ness good to see you over to blogspot. isn't it so much better?!

your blog is hilarious =D

michael said...


so like good work, have a nice single week of holidays and yea.


ps: please stay alive this semester... otherwise there wont be any ness to make fun of...i mean uhh there wont be any more ness to stretch jumpers of...i mean .... dammit i suck at this 'giving compliments' game

Homes said...

YAY messy poo!!

welcome! *hugs*

love you!

Ness said...

aww, thanks guys, you make me feel so welcome that i wanna poop my pants (kidding) :)

yea!! single week of hols here i come!