a) "I LOVE CAMERAS! LURVVVVE THEM! THEY MAKE ME SO HAPPEEEEEE!!!! Have I mentioned I love cameras?"
"And here I am again! YESSSSSSS!!!"
b) "I hate cameras. So. much. angry. at. cameras. I hate life."
c) "I'm pleasantly shocked at how lame this photo is. Hmm...why am I so dark compared to the others? People should call me Bui. Hey everyone, call me Bui."
And...here's an obvious one.
In other news, I'm going to upload the CNY dances soon, just have to find a converter which can get the video down to 100MB.
And to quote John Travolta from Staying Alive, "You know what I wanna do? Strut."
...you want to strut?
that's... not bui.
that's nathan
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