Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Blog 29: "Studying"

So I haven't updated in a while because I'm busy and wouldn't have time to be able to write anything that lives up to this blog's high standards. *cough cough*

I realised this when in last week's workshop quiz, I read the following question...

Draw the structures of the ionisation of the following amino acid side chains: Arg, Ser, Phe, Gln, His and Cys.

and thought, "Oh fuddle duck, I have absolutely no knowledge in this matter".

And then I thought, "Oh well, at least I have psychology to fall back on."
That was until I saw the following question...

What theory of altruism, ethical hedonism or aversive-arousal reduction model, is to do with relieving negative feelings connected to empathy?

And though, "Altruism? Hedonism? Hedon. Edon. Eden. In the garden of eden ba-beh!"

So yes, I've concluded I should be studying. And have better concentration too.
But I'll be back for the big finale, the supposed blog 31!


Homes said...

ask sven for the structures of amino acid side chains. the silly twit spent a whole night before an exam learning them, only to find that he didn't need to know them cos you were given them.


typical chief.

michael said...

sooo...where is/was blog 31?

Anonymous said...

Yeah... and that's why you should've all studied marketing.