Thursday, August 16, 2007

Blog 16: The Coochi Island Adventures

Technology is very frustrating. I tried to upload photos yesterday to my laptop and it didn't work. It had morphed into a screaming toddler - "I WON'T DO IT! YOU CAN'T MAKE MEEEE!"

So I shut the whole thing down and wouldn't touch it. But I'm back! And it's working! So here's blog 16!
(If you've noticed, I'm naming blogs by the date, not the number of blogs I've actually written. That's to make myself feel better when I get to number 30. Back to the story...)

Yesterday, we went to COOCHI ISLAND! I've been tricked by the weather before so I decided to go all out and bring half my closet so that I was prepared for any weather, desert storm or hurricane!

Frank brought along the family camp hula hoops, which was a great source of fun as you will soon read.

Girl Power (minus Max, plus Sven) went into Kent's car. Bui deliberately went into a separate car. We got there and boarded the barge. Notice the man in the truck who's a bit frazzled by the sudden onslaught of asians.

Tim was so excited he wet his pants.

I felt like we were a boat full of illegal immigrants on our way to the Australian shore.

We did a lot of walking (in a circle) trying to find a good place to have lunch. We finally settled for a spot with a table, BBQ place and logs to sit on. The only problem was that two old ladies were sitting there. So in true Asian style, we kicked them off by dumping our bags on the bench and glaring at them.

I soon found a great photo op while having lunch. No one else was quite as enthusiastic.

A great rendition of 'If I was a Butterfly' soon burst forth. You know how it goes -

"If I was a butterfly, I'll thank you Lord for giving me wings.
And if I were a robin in a tree, I'll thank you Lord that I could sing."

And then Song comes in with -"And if I were a washing machine..."

We were all like, "what??!! It has to be an animal, not a random object!"

Sharon, Heidi and I soon took it upon ourselves to make soup and rice cakes, I mean clean the pan.

Hulan hooping action soon broke forth and many new techniques were formed. The favourite of the day was Mikey's "Windy Palm" or "Wildgrass". This is where he would wildly flap his arms above his head. The funny thing is that it actually worked.

We then went fishing. I caught nothing. Kent worked his magic and caught a few. Frank was really good at it, and caught a whole family of small ones.
Sven decided to roll his pants up into short shorts for no apparent reason.

Check out my Facebook for more glorious photos like the one above!

Friday night: the August birthday extravaganza.


michael said...


dr zef said...

Sven, shades of your Connect 06 antics with the lil merman, that was and still is classic.

can't get enough of the wild grass AKA windy palm, we'll be telling our grandkids about that.

Anonymous said...

Lol! Like really, I've been laughing in front of my computer! You guys crack me up!

Homes said...

LOL!! good recap ness...

bit disappointed with how random blogs disappeared tho...

fanny dong said...

the hulahoop craze will not stop here ppl... it will be at the august bday party so get those hips moving :P

Ness said...

oh yes. the hula hoop craze is just beginning! mwah ha ha

dr zef said...

Sven's technique is sort of like the chicken dance?

Michael Fong, i knight thee "Windy Palm", sounds like an american indian name.

Vanessa: How are you Windy Palm?
Michael: I am fine, how about yourself Right Footpedal? Oh look, there is Rave Party
Andy Lau: Hello Right Footpedal and Windy Palm, have you seen Chicken Dance?
Sven: I'm over here with Anaerobic Exercise
Fong: Hi!

fanny dong said...


michael said...

i just noticed, but you said you are now titling blogs by date.

this blog, number 16, was posted on the 15th.

Homes said...

how very true...

Ness said...

Yes, the time on this blog isn't correct. Some blogs look like it's been published at 4 in the morning or what not.

Anonymous said...

Don't stop posting such articles. I love to read blogs like this. BTW add more pics :)