So I’m back from my 11 day trip to Adelaide and Melbourne!! And for memories sake, I’ve decided to jot down parts of my holiday.
I think I wore myself out because now I’m sitting in my bedroom eyes half closed with a voice which is cross between an old man and a chainsaw. With phlegm. Mmm…
Anyway, here goes – but as I’ve said before, I’m the worst recapper ever. Look at Sime’s blog if you actually want a good one :)

This is my depiction of the amount of stuff I use in 11 days which had to fit into a tiny carry-on suitcase. I never realised what a consumer I am…
But it was good practice for rationalising…for when I’m in a desert somewhere…and need…to…ration…
Anyway Tim’s dad came and picked up the Robertson crew. I had to wake up a 5. 5!!!!!
When we got to the airport, Ems did a headcheck. 2 people missing. Kev and Sime. 1 minute to check in.
Not. Good.
But they turned up just in time. There’s fashionably late and then there’s Kev+Sime late :)
We finally got on Jetstar. Since I was sitting across from ATan, we talked about weights and protein shakes (jk)
Some good people (aka. Adelaide Colin) from Goodwood church came and picked us up in 2 gospel vans and drove us to Ade Traveller’s Inn. But not before Sime Sime thought we might get raped in an alleyway and gassed in the locked van (Fanny added on later that we may also get our arms eaten by a shark)
We dumped our luggage in the hostel (hmm, we were very trusting, must be something in the Adelaide water) and then I had a sudden urge for bubble tea.
Head check. ATan. Here. Let’s go.
The girls are grossed out by the hostel beds. I myself am very pleased with the room (it’s like a room made out of gold compared to YHA Gold Coast).
I go to Sime+Sime’s room to play cheat. It’s the worst. game. ever.
Note to self: do not play cheat with only 3 people.
Anyway, I better skip parts otherwise this recap will become the length of my packing list.
Some of us go to Rundermall…buy Havi’s…bla bla bla
Goodwood church then entrusts one of their cars with Kev from Sherwood (???) which KC, Kev Z and I naively hop into. We get lost. Play eye spy. Doesn’t last long. It’s either “something beginning with T” (tree) or “something beginning with C” (car).
Get to Goodwood. Witness last 2 mins of people mooing and squawking. Register. EMP nearly gets left behind. Some cool dude finally drives us home (anyone remember his name?) who was just being friendly :)
Witness Pastor Lam and Aunty Jen sing in chinese. Classic.
Receive lunch. Which really, I should have treasured more for just being different from every other meal we received in the next 4 days.
Get to camp site and get ATTACKED BY FLIES AND DIE.
Witness Tom Tokura’s laugh for the first time. Haw haw haw
In same room as Fanny. Yay! And meet my future sis, Bec. Who my actual sis Bec has decided looks like a younger version of Jacey. SO TRUE.
Meet PATIENCE. Who is the best group ever. We somehow managed to sit at the smallest table in the dining hall even though we were 1 of the largest groups. And from then on our elbows knew each other at a more intimate level.
It was good having Bighead at the table so I could palm off my uneaten rice.
Same with ATan the eating machine. Everything left on the table ended up on his plate.
Which then ended up in his biceps.
Prayer meetings were interesting. EMP has only had one at youth, and we tend to pray silently. Chinese tend to pray out loud. I don’t think it means anything, but I just found that interesting.
Already tired. That pretty much sums up the rest of the trip. TIRED.
For morning PAW, got to test out my elite powerpoint skills. Up. Down. Up. Down. It’s tricky stuff.
The 2nd theme talk was interesting. Found the BGR talk much more in depth than what we’ve had before.
Max and I have to work on our gentle side if we’re ever to find our life partners haha…
Oh, side note. I am so not the female version of K Fang! He is the most random dude ever. He wrapped one of Rob’s hairs in cellophane and gave it to Ems as a “birthday present”. I would never do that *shifty eyes*
This day can be summed up in two words. AMAZIN GRACE.
While most groups took the time to take GOOD group photos, our group photos were pretty much us running to the next clue.
And no prize!! Participation and ‘having fun’ are for losers.
The whole camp takes a massive group photo. Not as good as the first one though where all the guys had to line up like they were on some weird asian Christian bachelor show.
And then I have to leave everyone! Boo…
I had fun at the airport with the Trinity guys where some ate camp food again, but the smart ones got HJs. Mmm…chicken which isn’t camp chicken…
Then I had 2 hours to wander around by myself because the flight gets delayed. Go figure.
ARRIVE IN MELBOURNE! Get swept away straight to a family dinner with my Aunty’s friends. Catch up with Bec. She was pretty tired having to deal with 3 Lees since Sunday. Yep, we’re all the same – drama queens.
Go to another friend’s house at 11:30 at night. By now I’m so tired I want to cry. (That’s my inner drama queen coming out)
Get excited by seeing all of Bec’s housemate’s NCIS DVDs. Woo hoo!
And the rest? Till next time! (Yeah, I think I’ve waffled on for long enough)
And to quote ATan holding his leg: “oww, my arm!” (???)